Entrails/ Acrylic Painting on Canvas Board



| Dimensions 55cm x 46cm

| Hand-painted

| Acrylic Painting on Canvas Board

| 100% Cotton Canvas

| Unique in existence

Creation Storyline

I am by the river Seine. It draws me in with dusty swirls, tangibly moving and sucking in. It whispers, calling for a jump. Jump. Hide. Perfect way to mask the crime. It can hold all the desperate stories people are afraid to keep, ripping apart their souls. How many secrets it already hides?

The clock just hit 6 o'clock, ringing heavy in the ears. I have to run, the curfew pressures my heartbeat. One last stop. One last breath by the edge of the bridge. Inhale. Liberty. So sweet and prohibited. The grey cold stone stairs show the way downhill into the water. No fence, no limits. All the possibilities are open for your interpretation. Here, on one of the steps are the bird entrails. The bird entrails of something, that once was free and beautiful. Something, that is ugly now. Forgotten. Disgusting. It found it's place to rest in peace.